Tampons are products used by women during their menstrual cycle. This good could be classified as need, making it essential for survival and something that all women should have access to. UK officially left the European Union on 31st December 2020, and with this its obligation for a 5% tax on tampons was also forgone, the UK could now choose to tax this good according to its will, since the EU did not allow the tampon tax of 5% to be reduced or abolished, however since BREXIT is now complete the Boris led government has made the decision to take a step which was long needed. The tampon tax raises the price of the good, making it expensive for consumers, and in some cases may also make it unaffordable for poor consumers, which should not be the case since making tampons inaccessible can have multiple adverse effects. Woman who cannot afford these products during their cycle, may feel stressed and depressed, they are less likely to go to work and if they do, they are more likely to...
By the students of Indus International School